These arise within the prostatic ducts and comprise less than 5 percent of prostate cancers. There are four types:
• transitional cell carcinoma;
• intraductal adenocarcinoma;
• mixed ductal carcinoma; and
• endometrioid carcinoma.
Transitional cell and mixed ductal carcinomas are aggressive cancers that require complete removal of the prostate and bladder (cystoprostatectomy) if found while the tumor is still confined to the prostate. The outlook is not good for patients with these cancers.
Intraductal adenocarcinomas are treated by radical prostatectomy.
Endometrioid carcinomas arise near a structure called the verumontanum and are similar to certain types of uterine cancers in women. If the tumors are confined to the prostate, the treatment of choice is the removal of the prostate and bladder. Some patients with advanced disease respond to external beam radiation therapy , hormonal treatment or chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil and doxorubicin .